Saturday, January 12, 2013

7-8 Weeks

I say 7-8 for a reason.  I am almost 100% sure when we conceived.  I had an ultrasound on January 10th and the doctor said I was 7 weeks and 1 day.  I say I am 8 weeks and 1 day.  Ha!  You know that I have to argue!!  LOL  I think she will come around and see that I am right.

So let me go back a bit.  I had my first ultrasound on December 28th.  She forgot to print out a picture but there wasn't much to see anyway.  My blood work came back good and my levels had increased as they should.  The doctor could see the sac but no baby.  That was completely normal since I was only about 5-6 weeks then.  She told me to come back in 2 weeks.  And what a LONG 2 weeks that was!!!  Jonathan went with me to both appointments.  In those 2 weeks, A LOT seemed to happen.  My boobs are still extremely sore.  Jonathan has started calling the baby "Pancho" because I wanted some Pancho's cheese dip one day.  LOL  He is really funny about this.  I haven't had ANY morning sickness!! WOOHOO!!!!   Blessing!!!  However, I have been craving orange juice like no other.  The craving has calmed down a lot in the past few days.  (Mom, you can quit worrying that I am getting too much sugar.  The OB said that 2-3 glasses a day was fine.)  I haven't had any other weird cravings yet.  I haven't gained any weight at all, however, I have gone up 2 sizes already!!!  CRAZINESS!!  It really is amazing what my body is doing right now.  Really weird, but really cool too.  (I am sure this isn't news to all of you that already have kids!)  My clothes fit ok standing up but when I sit down, well that's another story.  I thought Rhonda's maternity pants would fit but, not so much.  I forgot that she is a few inches shorter than me.  He pants were quite a bit too short for me.  I had Jonathan go get my tubs from the shed with a few of my bigger clothes that I had saved from losing weight.  They are too tight while sitting too?  But not 1 pound gained.  Actually lost a pound!?!?!  So weird!

                          Here is the ultrasound picture from our January 10th visit!!!

We heard the heartbeat at this visit too.  That was so very cool and probably the most awesome sound I have ever heard.  I am in love already!!!  It was 143 bpm.  The OB said that everything looked good and that the second set of blood work that I had done came back perfect too.  I hope and pray that everything continues to go smoothly.  She gave us a due date of August 28th.  I think it will be changed to August 23rd later on when they can tell a little better.  I will say that I am 7 weeks because that is what she says but.......anyway.  ;)

We have started talking about names.  What is it with guys and picking the craziest things.  I kinda thought it was one sex but now I think another.  I don't really have "a feeling" or anything.  Just praying for a healthy baby.


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