Today, Jonathan and I drove to Mountain View to see his good friend David, his girlfriend Brandy, and their kids Ross and Kristen. Jonathan and David grew up together and have known each other forever. We decided since it was so HOT that we would go to Gunner Pool. This is a section of the Ozark National Forest where Jonathan and I always camp. The swimming hole there is voted one of the best in Arkansas. The water is freezing cold and clear. It is a natural water source and is absolutely beautiful. It is a few miles from Blanchard Springs. We had such a great time hanging out and enjoying the cold water. We must do it again soon!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Pretty Flowers
Another thing that I have noticed since we became homeowners is that I love to work in the flowerbeds and yard! I think I get this from my Mom and Aunt Pam! (That is a good thing!) I posted about a month ago that when we got back from vacation that I spent a day planting flowers in the bed that my tulips were. Well, my flowers, except for one kind I got, are SO BEAUTIFUL! I love getting home each day and going out to see which ones are blooming and which ones have new buds. We bought a sprinkler and have been watering the flowerbeds and also the yard the past week. I never thought I would be that person that cared if my yard turned brown because it is 100 degrees outside and hasn't rained in forever. But, I am that person! HA! Hopefully, our yard won't die. So far, it seems to be working.

Fence Building Madness
Exactly one week ago today, Jonathan and I started on building our new wood privacy fence. Jonathan went to Lowe's on Thursday and got all the post and 2 x 4's, a wheel barrel, and some other building supplies. Jonathan started trying to dig the post holes on Friday but the ground was so hard, it took way too much work and time. He called a rental place here in town and they said the post hole digger was supposed to be brought back from another customer either late Friday or first thing Saturday morning. When I got off work on Friday, we went to Searcy in Jonathan's truck to get the pickets. Well, we got them paid for and were getting ready to load them when his truck starting squatting BIG TIME! Too heavy! So we told them we would be back tomorrow. JOY! So Jonathan called the rental place for the post hole digger first thing Saturday until about 9 (they were supposed to open at 7) and then we went there and no one was there. So we called another place and they said they didn't have one but the store in Mountain View did. We told them to hold it and drove the 45 minutes to get it. We get it and get back home and are ready to get going. Well, the digger would start but it wouldn't turn. We took it back to the store here and they had no clue. By this time, it was already noon. During all this madness, I had been on Facebook trying to find a trailer that we could borrow to go pick up the wood. We ended up borrowing one from my friend Julie! THANKS SO MUCH JULIE! She saved us! We went to get it and told her about our crazy morning and she said her husband was a partner in the rental company we were trying to get the first post hole digger from and she would try to see if she could do anything. She called a little bit later and told us that when we got back from Searcy that we could go get it! Yea! So we finally ended up getting started on the fence at around 3 pm. If you remember last was stinking hot as all get out!!! We got all the holes dug Saturday and Sunday. Jonathan poured the concrete on Monday and we began putting up the horizontal pieces when I got home Monday night. He worked a few hours during the day, I came home and we would work from about 7 to 9. Well, Friday (yesterday), Jonathan got all the pickets up. WOOT WOOT! Now all we have is the gate but really aren't in that big of hurry for that part. We just are thrilled that we can't see the trashy neighbors and their yard next door! Jonathan was so sweet and I think surprised at how much I was able to help. I did a lot more than I thought I would. By the way, I have some mad fence building skills! lol Here are some few pics!
This is what we are trying to hide! This is actually a good day. It usually looks much worse than this. Isn't that lovely?
Closer up....
Jonathan digging the first post hole!
He is just so cute!
My turn! lol
End of day one! Looking good!
Jonathan cutting boards to keep the post stable while the concrete hardens.
Ready for the horizontal boards then the pickets!
Jonathan cooling off in the sprinkler! Man it was SUPER HOT!!
The view from the inside looking toward the back.
Tah Dah!!! (minus the gate)
The outside! (Note the broke down neighbors' truck...another example of why we built the fence.)
The view from the front yard. We are going to build a double gate with 2 doors so we can pull our vehicles in the back yard if we need.
Overall, the fence project was a high priority since we moved in but we hated to start 2 projects at the same time. But, it got to the point that we just had to stop the "man cave" project and jump to this one. We will now go back into man cave mode and hopefully get it knocked out by the end of the summer. I have decided that I LOVE DIY projects! It feels so rewarding to know that we saved money for one, and for two, did it ourselves!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Leslie's Surprise Birthday Party
On Saturday, June 12th, Leslie turned 30!! Jonathan and I left from Fayetteville on Saturday after the babies were born and headed to Leslie and Adam's to surprise Leslie for her birthday. She didn't have a clue and we had a great time! Matt grilled burgers and hotdogs. I loved having all the babies around me this weekend! First Carley, Evan, and Becca and then Brianna, Heidi, and Harlow. Jonathan and I ended up spending the night so we could have a some drinks. So, Leslie decides I need to drink some fruity little rum drink and fixes me 2. I was remembering why I only drink beer into the wee hours of the morning and the entire next day...not pretty at all! Leslie and I were so excited that Kara got to stay too so we stayed up chatting for a while. It was fun to get some Kara and Leslie time. I have lots of pics!
Jonathan, Adam, and Adam's friend that I don't remember his

Harlow and Kara
So then Brianna and I decided that were going to learn/teach her how to use the camera. We got a few pretty good shots! lol I love her expression in the first picture.
Kara and Harlow
Brianna and Kara (this is just too sweet!)
Leslie and her cake! (Notice the tealight candle! HA!)
Heidi and Matt
Our sweet friend Keri and Bri
The Lovell girls
Steve even stopped by to celebrate for a little bit! It was good to visit with him!
Kara, Matt, Leslie, Adam, Jonathan and I always try to get together for each of our birthday's every year. Sometimes we make it but this past year, we didn't miss anyone's birthday celebration! Here's to many more! We have the greatest friends!
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