(I love Evan in this picture! He is just staring up at Becca!)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Bramell Christmas 2010
When I got back from Wynne Christmas Eve morning, I wrapped a few last minute gifts and packed up and Jonathan and I headed to Springdale to spend Christmas with Rhonda, Lee, Becca, Carley, and Evan! This was the first year that we haven't all gone home for Christmas, on Christmas. It was just too hard for Rhonda and Lee and the 3 kids to try and haul all the presents and diapers and suitcases and the other 100 things they need back and forth. This was the also the first year that Jonathan and I didn't go to his Maw Maw's house for Christmas morning breakfast. We missed all his family but wanted to spend Christmas this year with the kids. It was so much fun watching Becca this year. She is finally old enough to understand the whole Santa concept and what it all means. She made cookies for Santa and left him hot chocolate and his reindeer celery. She got everything that she asked Santa for in her letter.
When we got to Springdale on Friday, I took Becca to the movies. I had promised her that I would take her to Yogi and Boo Boo all by ourselves. When she was at our house at Thanksgiving, we saw the commercial for the movie. I have always called her Boo or Boo Boo. When the commercial was over, she looked at me and said, "Boo Boo, like I'm your Boo Boo?" I thought that was sweet and told her, "yes, just like you my Boo Boo." She really is such a sweet little girl. I love her to pieces!! She has only been to the movies 2 other times. Once with Ashley and once during potty training. That movie was spent mostly in the bathroom. I was worried how she would do but she did great. We had a good time and the movie was cute. We took this picture before we left.
Becca opening her big gift from me and Jonathan. We got her a matching umbrella, raincoat, and rain boots. She LOVED them!
All decked out and ready for some rain!
(I love Evan in this picture! He is just staring up at Becca!)
Rhonda and Lee got me and Jonathan new stockings! I just love these so much! They are beautiful and just what we wanted! Ours were so old and ugly! :)
Lee said that at his house growing up, Santa always left an orange in their stocking. I thought that was unique. Rhonda, Lee, and Becca all got oranges in their stockings this year! :)
(I love Evan in this picture! He is just staring up at Becca!)
Old Friends Are The Best
On the Thursday before Christmas, when I got off work, I headed to Wynne to see Brooke and Michelle. They come in every year for Christmas and I always try my best to see them. Since we were going to Springdale for Christmas this year, this was the only time I would be able to see them. Kara, Leslie, Hannah, Melanie, and Zach all ended up making plans to be in Wynne too so we would get to hang out for a little while. Mom took us to Brooke's dad house and we all just drank and snacked and tried our best to catch up with everyone! We had the best time! Jay came with Hannah and Cassie and Adam stopped by for a little bit too! Melanie, Kara, and I all had to get up early Christmas Eve morning to head back home. I was so tired but it was so worth it! These friends are some of my oldest and best!
Branson 2010
Whenever we can, we always try to go to Branson around Christmas with The Bramell's and mom and Nanny. We got to go this year the first weekend in December. We were hoping that the weather would cooperate and allow us to go to Silver Dollar City to let Becca see the Christmas lights but it ended up being way too cold. So, then we thought we would got o the Dixie Stampede. Well, they were sold out so we ended up just going to a drive thru Christmas light display. Becca loved it. We also celebrated me and Jonathan's birthdays while we were there. We ate at Shorty Small's and they have a Razorback that you can ride. You put a quarter in and it plays music. Rhonda got a video but she can't figure out how to share it. Jonathan rode it while they sang Happy Birthday to us. He was also wearing a pink little girls cowboy hat. Funny stuff!
Happy Birthday Brianna!!!
I went to Little Rock on Saturday (the 18th) to finish up my Christmas shopping. When I finished up, I went to Leslie and Adam's house in Maumelle to celebrate Brianna's birthday! I can't believe how time flies! She is such a big girl now! The Lovell crew was there too. We had a great time visiting and playing with the kids. I think that I got some good picture of the kids. Adam's parents and sister Julie and her kids were there too. I hadn't seen Julie in a while so it was nice to see visit with her and meet her new baby girl! I am stealing a few pictures from Kara's blog since she got some good ones!
Harlow (Kara's baby)
I love this mischievous look on her face!
Me, Leslie, and Kara :)
Brianna kept eating with two spoons! Too funny!

Kara, Harlow and Brianna
Brianna and Leslie
This is Emily, Adam's sister's little girl. She is 5 months old and just a sweetie pie!
Harlow, Kara, and Emily
Brianna and Mrs. Gail opening presents!
Brianna, Leslie, and baby boy to be named later.....
Brianna was getting the hang of opening the presents!
I loved her facial expressions!
Harlow looked so cute in her boots!!
Harlow and Matt chillin'!
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